Caustic Bolts

Caustic Bolts
Level2nd Level Casting Time1 action RangeSelf
AoECone (6m) DurationInstantaneous
SchoolDebilitation ComponentsV, S
ClassesArcanist, Red Mage, Trickster

With an outstretched hand, you shoot forth acidic bolts.

All creatures within a 6m Cone centred on you must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 Acid damage.

Armour reduced to an AC of 10 or a shield that drops to a +0 bonus by this spell is destroyed. Objects that are vulnerable to corrosion that aren't being worn or carried corrode if they are in the area.

Critical Success (+10). The target is unaffected.
Success. The target takes half damage.
Failure. The target takes full damage and takes another 3d6 Acid damage at the end of their next turn. Furthermore, any nonmagickal metal armour or metal shields that they are wearing takes a permanent and cumulative –1 penalty to the AC it offers.
Critical Failure (–10). The target takes 1.5× damage and takes another 5d6 Acid damage at the end of their next turn. Furthermore, any nonmagickal metal armour or metal shields that they are wearing takes a permanent and cumulative –2 penalty to the AC it offers.

At Higher Levels. The initial Acid damage increases by 1d6 for each spell level increase.